Fine Wines Delivered To Your Door

When you experience and have True Fine Wines you will see all the Advantages you can gain and why Wine was created: You will receive Better Health and a much Better Quality of Life.

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If You Want to Enjoy True Fine Wine, You Need The Following Three Items:

Fine Wines Delivered to Your Door

So go ahead and have a fantastic Fine Wine tasting parties and pair that with some amazing food and excellent company and WOW you’ve got yourself a true winner! Besides, your home will become the most favorite place for your family and friends to come to and they will thank and love you for it!

  1. True Fine Wines. These are not something you can easily go and get. Firstly; they are Expensive (when Buying Retail). $125 to $1000 (and up) a bottle. While Worth It, there is a Better Way; And You just watched it above! And only if you re Registered here: True Fine Wines will you be notified when these Exclusive Wines with Exclusive Access are Available.
  2. Incredible Pairings for those True Fine Wines. This is where the Tastes and Experiences of Wine and Food are going to be Awesome. It will never, ever get old. And is timeless, and something that should be passed on through the Generations. (See Below For More on Food and Wine Pairings).
  3. Company of our Loved Ones. Options for this. Firstly (and our favorite); A Romantic “Wine Event” with your Lover. Secondly; To Enjoy a Evening, An Afternoon or a Day with your Loved Ones. Family, Friends, Family that are Friends.

Let The Fun Begin. Go Here to Enroll and Get Your Exclusive Fine Wines Delivered to Your Door

Fine Wines Delivered to Your Door

Fine Wines are created around the Globe, and you most certainly owe it to yourself to enjoy the flavor, taste and experience that each fine wine presents to you. By joining our Exclusive Wine Club you will have access to some of the most exclusive and World’s Largest wine varieties. This includes all those that are made for us by wine specialists in Sonoma and Napa Valleys. Altogether, no one can beat or compare to our quality fine wines or our pricing.

As some of you may prefer to go get them in person, the second best thing would be to have them come directly to you right to your door. And you can accomplish this by joining our fantastic Exclusive Wine Club. You will receive some “Awesome Value” and have access to Fine Wines that we trust will deliver just what you want and needed–great relaxation, fun and health benefits.

Want to see what you can do with True Fine Wines? This is from our “Wine Magic” Information Page:

I invite you to an incredible Wine Magic Event!

I am really excited to share all of this with you; and we begin with the right True Fine Wine. As you saw in the above presentation, not all Wines are Equal. Also, not all “Wines” are really True Fine Wines. HOWEVER, OURS ARE! And here is where it all begins. This was a Huge Event and one which we shared with a lot of people directly and in an online Zoom Room with several Hundred Others! And it was a total absolute success with everyone.

Below are all the components and ingredients we used in our “Wine Magic Event”:

We begin with the Fine Wines we used for the Entire Evening of this “Wine Magic Event”.

  • More than Muse Rose’
  • Tanya Ricord Pinot
  • Nile Eddy Pinot Noir
  • Donna Walker Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Adele Zinfadel and
  • Ricord Merlot

We made sure to have a wide variety of several different fine wines for this “EVENT”. This enabled everyone to mix and max out their taste buds to enjoy both the food and the wines. I honestly believe this is the best way for your guests to fully enjoy having these many choices to make their enjoyment truly happen. In our case, we supplied separate glasses for each different wine. However, if you feel this is too much trouble, you can always wash some glasses as the event gets underway. Or, perhaps, you can always go our route and have separate glasses for each different wine presented, which will allow the guests to experience the tasting in all sorts of different combinations.

This Magical Event Would not have been Complete without some great Food!

Charcuterie Board. These can be made with a wide variety of ingredients of a little bit of everything. To accommodate your guests tastes, experiment with what I call “the spice of life”. Include on there some salty and savory meats, such as, Salami, Ham, Turkey and Salami. Also add to that some breads, cheeses, crackers and jams or preserves. Then, top it all off by adding black and green olives, capers, nuts and grapes. Pretty much there is no right or wrong way to complete this Board. Just go with whatever your heart desires as to the content. Also, you’ll realize how much fun you’ve had and ecstatic at the end result.

Appetizers/Starters. Normally, a meal starts with a Salad and some appetizers before that. So by having a mixed salad with different dressings on the side would get this off the ground. Then add in some Mozzarella sticks, Shrimp or even some miniature Frankfurters in a chocolate fondue. Basically any type of small finger food would work. We then would add in our Fine Wines which will enhance everything else we have to offer. Some will just simply enjoy the Salad and the Wine to all the other components of the Board. Keep in mind though, that a Blue Cheese or Caesar Dressing will help the Wine flavors stand out even more dramatically!

wine magic

Mains. You can add in a Fish Dish or for those who don’t care for fish, go with either a Roast, Prime Rib or Steak that has been either smoked or BBQ’d. Insofar as seasonings go, Salt and Pepper will suffice and will allow the meat and wine shine as the stars at this Tasting Event.

Dessert. Chocolate Cake. Rich and Deep in “Dark Chocolate”. It’s a Merlot’s Best Pairing next to the Dark Chocolate pieces themselves. Now really, there aren’t too many people who don’t like Chocolate, so this makes an excellent choice. If in doubt, you could also have some kind of meringue that most people would enjoy and is not quite as heavy.

Now that our Wines and Foods are Ready to Go, let the Wine Magic Begin:

  • We Begin. Starting with wines — light to heavy. The Tanya Ricord Pinot and More Than Muse Rose’ will get the Charcuterie Board going and allow everyone new or experienced to open up their tasting palettes and enjoy the many different combinations which can be made.
  • The Starters. Go into the Nile Eddy Pinot Noir. Continuing with the reds (for many these are their favorites).
  • Then Into the Mains. Bring forth the Adele Zin and Donna Walker Cabernet Sauvignon to add to the Tasting Fun. And this is definitely Wine Magic in “SPADES”.
  • Dessert Time! The Ricord Merlot and the Chocolate Cake and/or Chocolate Tasting Place come out. This will fully round out this Wine Magic Event!
  • Continue as The Wine Magic Event Allows. If there are wines left, let the pairing and tasting experiments continue.

As you can see, we have put together the best form of Entertainment, so let’s definitely party!!. Now lest we forget, do be sure to check out our Accessories to go with this which will enable you to Entertain in Style. See them here.

Go Here to Enroll and Get Your Fine Wines Delivered to Your Door

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